Vacro submission to the Inquiry into Victoria's Criminal Justice System (September 2021)

In our submission to the Inquiry, we made a series of recommendations to the Committee about transforming reintegration practice in Victoria's criminal justice system. Drawing on our throughcare model, we made the case strongly that reintegration starts in prison and asked the Committee to recommend a series of changes to the prison system that we believe would benefit our participants, their families, and their communities as a whole. We were also invited to appear at one of the Inquiry's public hearings; you can find video footage and transcripts of our appearance here

Read the submission

Vacro submission to the Social Housing Regulation Review (September 2021)

In our submission, we asked the Review to consider the specific and difficult circumstances of people leaving prison and trying to get a place in social housing to support their desistance and reintegration. We shared information about the severely limited housing options for our participants and made recommendations to provide more targeted housing for people leaving prison and reforming the allocation and assessment process for our participants in the social housing system. We were subsequently invited to an expert roundtable to share our knowledge of best practice tenancy sustainment for our participants.

Read the submission

Vacro policy contact

Abigail Lewis, Senior Policy and Advocacy Advisor, [email protected]

Please note that requests from students relating to policy and advocacy should be sent to Vacro's student placement page